Industrial Ventilation - Ferrous Foundry - Portland Cement - Energy from Waste (EfW) - Biomass - Gasification - Frac Sand - Phytoremediation - Biomimicry
Process engineering of gas cleaning systems from thermal & combustion sources including acid gas and mercury controls. Waste heat reuse from thermal processes.
Regulatory & Compliance
Air Pollution Control Permit applications, compliance plans, Environmental Management System EMS Development, technical advisory groups for air pollution control rules and regulations, environmental policy.
Sustainability & Management Consulting Services
Sustainable infrastructure planning, environmental impact minimization & assessment. Consulting services on green event planning, infrastructure planning, and environmental impact assessment and reduction.
- Carbon Footprint Estimates & Offset Equivalents
- Air Pollution Emission & Mass Balance Evaluations
- Stack Testing Services, Planning & Evaluation
- Environmental Audit & Management System Review
CleanTech startup strategy & business plan development & execution. IP protection strategy, market entry & marketing tool development.

Air Pollution Control Equipment & Compliance
State and Federal Environmental Permits & Regs
EMS Development Implementation and Audit
Technical Sales, Trade Show Mgmt & Marketing

NOKERO CO2 Offset Estimations -
Nokero (short for No Kerosene) is a developer and manufacturer of solar powered products that eliminate the need for dangerous and polluting kerosene fuels used for lighting. CO2 offset equivalents for the life of a Nokero bulb were determined. Nokero is working with leading world organizations to qualify the product as a certified CO2 offset.
Rock the Green - "Near Zero Waste" Indy-Rock Concert -
Rock the Green is a premier Indy-Rock music festival, held in September in Milwaukee's Veteran's Park, with a proactive goal to entertain, educate, and engage the local and business community in sustainability planning efforts.
Analytical metrics are used to benchmark Best Management Practices in large scale music event planning. Rock the Green's goal of generating "Near Zero Waste" was be accomplished through proactive partnerships with composters, recycling operations and businesses. The event used renewable and alternative resources to power the event, and unique interactive education experiences to educate the attendees on day to day practices that will significantly decrease environmental impacts.